Claim Your Creative Mojo

Do you feel stuck? Or unsatisfied?

That’s your creativity being blocked.

One way to open that channel is through art making.

We’ve all heard the phrase: practice makes perfect.

Yes to practice!

But not so much to perfect.

When womxn stop practicing perfection, from weight to looks to anywhere else the painful striving happens, and start plugging into the universe they become more fulfilled, alive, satisfied, energized, and creative.

I’ve come to experience practice, and art making, as a ritual for channeling the universal energy of creativity. Here’s the recipe.

Claim Your Creative Mojo

Stand on the earth

Breathe in your connection to her

Feel the energy growing inside of you

Soften your belly (unbutton your pants if needed)

Expand as your lungs fill with air, massaging your heart

Notice the thread of connection between your heart and hands

Give your brain a rest

If it refuses




Practice this and you won’t be perfect, but you will feel alive, awake, and fulfilled.

And, what’s better than being alive, awake and fulfilled on your own?

Fulfillment and friendship that comes from being part of our vibrant womxn’s art making community.

In love and creativity,



You Are Not Creative